Scheduling Recommendation:

For departments with shift-based work, student employee work schedules should be coordinated and announced at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the start of the work week. 

Breaks Recommendation:

Departments with shift-based work should bear in mind the break guidelines below:

  • Shifts less than 4 hours – no break is mandated, but students may ask their supervisor for one 10-minute paid break if needed.
  • Shifts exceeding 4 hours – one 10-minute paid break is permitted
  • Shifts exceeding 6 hours – one 30-minute unpaid meal break and one 10-minute paid break is permitted
  • Shifts exceeding 7 hours – one 45-minute unpaid meal break and two 10-minute paid breaks are permitted.

Break time must be scheduled with the approval of the supervisor.  Paid break time may not be accumulated, added to unpaid meal breaks, or be used to start a shift late or leave a shift early.  Paid break time that is not taken may not be used toward the calculation of overtime. 

Student Employee Onboarding:

Our sample Onboarding Template includes scheduling guidance, best practices for student employee discipline, and resources to ensure student employees are aware of their job expectations and benefits.

We encourage hiring departments to adapt this template to suit their departmental needs and distribute it to new student hires.

Student Employee Evaluation:

Student employment often provides the first professional work experience for Princeton undergraduates. Consequently, supervisors of students are uniquely positioned to help develop and teach core professional competencies to their student employees.

We strongly encourage hiring departments to utilize the Student Employee Evaluation Form as a professional development tool for their student employees.