Student Health Plan

The University requires all students to have health insurance. If you are not covered under a parent's policy or the plan you have does not comply with University coverage requirements, you will have to enroll in the University Student Health Plan (SHP). Additional aid is available if you are required to enroll in the plan.

You must certify your health insurance status within the MyUHS portal. If you do not have comparable health insurance, as required by the University, and you are an aid recipient, then additional aid will be added to your financial aid offer to cover the SHP charge. This will happen automatically—there is no further action you need to take. If you do not certify your status within the MyUHS portal, however, aid cannot be added to cover your SHP charge.

If you do have health insurance that meets University requirements, but choose not to waive out of the SHP, you will be automatically enrolled and billed by University Health Services (UHS). Additional aid is not available for the SHP if you are covered but do not waive out of the plan.