Conflict Resolution

Our office hopes that any minor disagreements between student employees and their employers can be worked out within the department.  However, the following steps should be followed if this is not possible.

Students should first bring employment problems to the attention of their immediate supervisor in order to seek a mutually satisfactory solution.  When problems cannot be resolved this way, students should discuss their concerns with the heads of the employing departments.  If this also fails, students should then contact the Student Employment Office.  Depending on the nature of the problem, our office may refer a student to other University resources for counsel and resolution.



Once students have been selected for a job, their continued employment depends upon their satisfactory performance of the required duties.  If a student’s employer decides that his or her performance is not satisfactory, then he or she may be released.   The student’s eligibility for future employment on campus will depend on the reason for dismissal.

If a student decides to terminate his or her employment, at least two weeks’ notice should be given to the employer.  In addition, the student should discuss the reason for termination with the employer and, if he or she wishes, with the Student Employment Office.